Friday, 9 May 2014

How to make a cushion cover with an envelope back.

 Measure your cushion pad and add 1 1/4" inch to both width & length measurements. Let us say for example that your cushion pad is 16" square. Cut out your cushion front 17 1/4" square. Cut out a back piece 17 1/4 " x 16" then another piece 17 1/4 " x 12".
Fold under 1/2"  and then 1/2" again ( so you have a double fold ) on one of the shorter sides of each of the cushion backs - pin and stitch down.

Lay the cushion front right sides down - position a cushion back piece on the top right sides up with the lower raw edges even with the cushion front and the seamed edge towards the top of the cushion front, then lay the other cushion back piece with raw edges even with the cushion front and the seamed edge towards the bottom of the cushion ( basically pointing in the opposite direction).

Stitch all the way round the perimeter of the cushion cover taking a 1/4" seam.  Turn wrong sides out and press.
Now stitch all the way around again enclosing the first seam. Turn right sides out and press. 
Put your cushion pad inside and position on your sofa-bed- chair etc.
 Note - For a plumper cushion make the cover a wee bit smaller & for a flatter cushion make the cover a wee bit bigger!! 
 God Bless 

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