Thursday, 9 January 2014

A NewYear

(my new quilt)

 This is the season for new starts, new beginnings, new regimes. You know what they say - out with the old and in with the new!!
 There will be many who are striving to keep their new year resolutions!
 The most popular of which seem to be 'get fit', 'lose weight', take up a new sport, enrol at night school etc.
 All pursuits to make us a 'better person'. But do these activities make us a better person?
Will these new activities make us happier or the people around us happier?
If we are struggling to keep to our new routines does that make us happy or frustrated? Do our frustrations show in our attitudes to others?
Don't get me wrong here - I am all for new beginnings - but new beginnings and new attitudes that make others happy and improve the world we live in!
So my new years resolutions will to give more - more of my time, my money and my efforts to help the world become a happier safer place for everyone - and that will make me happy and those around me happier and I will not become frustrated or irritated because I know I can do it - all I have to do is keep following Jesus's example!!

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