Thursday, 10 April 2014

First two quilts ready to go to Emmaus 

Here are the first two quilts all finished and ready to go to Emmaus. 
Many thanks to those of you who came along to the sewing days and gave your time to help make this possible.

I know these quilts will make a big difference!!
Thank you !!
'Generosity is contagious- so go infect someone today!'

God Bless 
  Sue x

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Saving the environment and your heating bills

It's that time of year again - when you don't need the heating on during the day - but you get to the evening - the sun goes down and you stop pottering - you sit down - start to relax and start feeling chilly!!
- that's when you need one of these - a flannel lap quilt - made from soft warm flannel fabric - (still 100% cotton) - it's just big enough to cover you up when you're sitting on the chair or sofa!
 So quick & easy to make - so soft & cosy!! 
Everyone in the house will want it!! 
So don't turn your heating on in the evening in April or September - when it gets chilly - just grab a quilt and snuggle up - It will save the environment and cut your heating bills!! 

 God Bless 

Monday, 7 April 2014

Fabric for the Hopes, dreams & Prayer angels quilt 

I have been looking for some time to replicate the fabric that I used to make the Hopes Dreams & angels quilt and I have struggled - but I am happy to say that I now have several fabrics that are the same and many that are very similar so for those of you have been waiting - the wait is over - it is here!!
God bless 
Sue  x