Wednesday, 26 March 2014


I love buttons!! small ones- big ones- round ones - square ones-knobbly ones- smooth ones - it doesn't really matter - I love them all!
 But these ..... are something else - these are special!! 
 Lovely vanilla buttons with words like -- faith & peace & love & hope & joy with little hearts - these are lovely!!
How could you not love them with such wonderful words written round them. Of course its not the words - not the random placement of letters - its the meanings of the words and the pictures those meanings conjure up that make them SO special!!
Regardless of your faith we all need -hope - peace - faith - love & joy and we can all share these sentiments with those around us - be generous with your love - hope - peace - faith & joy and make someone happy today!!!

God Bless 


Saturday, 22 March 2014

Lettered Bunting 

Lettered Bunting is such fun to make - you can make it any size - any pattern and to say anything you wish!
 This was a practice piece - I loved making it and was surprised how quickly it came together. This bunting has letters only on one side - but I think the next lot I make I will applique letters on both sides - and not hang it against the wall!
You could make some Bunting with your name on - or with your business name on - or 'Happy birthday' or 'well done' or 'congratulations' or 'Welcome Home' or anything you like - but I am happy with 'God is Love'!
Until next time 
 God Bless 


Friday, 21 March 2014

Log-cabin day

On Friday 14th March - many of us got together and sewed Log- cabin blocks to make into a quilt for the homeless.
 it was a lovely day - and I think we all enjoyed the sewing and companionship. all 35 blocks were accomplished and I have now sewn the blocks together for the inner quilt- only the borders to go now.
The earlier two charity quilts are now quilted and almost ready to go!
Thank you all for your time & help!
 'Generosity is contagious - go infect someone today'

God Bless


Thursday, 13 March 2014

Log-cabin blocks

Tomorrow 14th March we will be holding our spring Charity day and making Log-cabin blocks like the one above to sew into a quilt to donate to the Homeless.
 The blocks made last month have been sewn into two quilts - both of which are quilted and just waiting to be bound before being delivered to Emmaus- 
Many thanks to all who helped 
Generosity is contagious and good for the soul!
 If all who could helped all who couldn't the world would be a better place!!
God Bless all!